Commemorating the life of Anne MacEwen

Our beloved Essene sister and joint founder of the New Essene Network, Anne MacEwen, passed from this existence into her new life beyond Earth on 31st October 2022. She will be much missed not only by our own New Essene Network but also, of course, by her family and friends.
This Memorial is to commemorate Anne by sharing just some of our collective memories and everything she has meant to us.
Whilst I knew her for just a short while, she had a big impact on me when I met her at the Summer Gathering in 2018. I found her to be a strong but gentle person and held her in great respect.
Gerry, Dec 2022

My late husband Brian and I, were introduced to Anne by Sir George Trevelyan at Runnings Park, 36 years ago. Anne and George were very interested in the Essene teachings and we immediately bonded in a joint desire to bring the teachings to Britain; and the rest is history.
Anne was a beautiful and spiritual soul who was full of vitality and joy. She had a real flair for encouraging other souls to join us and to share the teachings in an inspirational and understandable way. We held many Summer gatherings, talks and retreats and Anne published her own book on the teachings in an enthusiastic and simple way.
Anne was always happy and made everyone feel welcome and it was my pleasure and privilege to be her friend for many years. I know that she will be in spirit now, and soon to enjoy her next great adventure.
I send God’s love and light and blessings to you Anne.

I met Anne during the World Peace, Inner Peace conference in The Netherlands in May 1999. She was there with Chrissie, Elinore Detiger, Eirwen Harbottle, Sylvia Moss, Janice Dolley and a few other ladies. On the second day of the conference she invited me – and Dominic – for breakfast where, according to her ‘the sparks flew across the table’. That year I went to my first Essene Summer Gathering, I think it was at Bore Place. Meeting lovely people – that I felt knew from past lives – that became friends for life.
A few months after the conference I ended up staying in Chrissie’s flat in London and the relationship with Dominic continued and we got married on the Summer Solstice of 2000. Anne was our celebrant at our small wedding ceremony underneath a beautiful maple tree on Hampstead Heath. We had some meetings with her to discuss the ceremony. During one of these she showed – and later gave us – us a silk white cloth that she herself had received from a monk in India many years prior. She was in India to pick up her daughter who had done a very very long retreat in Tibet and had made her way to the more accessible India. She had been there so long that she needed help with some administrative problems. Whilst they were on their way to the airport, their taxi was stopped at a traffic light by a monk who handed Anne the silk. She never knew what to do with it and kept for years, until we asked her to be our celebrant. The silk was on the little altar at the tree where the ceremony was conducted. Needless to say that we felt very honoured to have this, and many other precious items with their own remarkable stories, present at our wedding.
Anne has been a constant in my life for years, giving advice, being a listening ear, a humourous and very spiritually knowledgeable conversational partner and always happy to see me. At one Summer Gathering, she asked me to sing Make Me a Channel of Your Peace at the end of a meditation. Since then I have used that when I am leading the Angel of Peace meditation. The song itself was one that was sung at our other wedding ceremony, the more conventional one with our relatives and friends. I am named after the Greek Goddess of Peace as it is a generational family name.
She was always fond of Dominic too and loved his writings. She asked us to be in a Triangle (a Lucis Trust activity) with her, which meant she was daily in my/our minds whilst visualising the triangle itself whilst reciting the Great Invocation. We stayed at her and David’s home, Chrissie and I visited her when she lived on the farm with Pru and Robin.
I would like to say rest in peace, but I am quite sure that after a short respite, she will continue to contribute to humanity’s (and other universe’s/world’s) rising consciousnesses.
She has been a lovely, joyous, spiritual and loving companion in my life the last 23 years and I will miss her presence on earth, but know one day our souls will meet again and join once again in the One work.
Dominic: Irén has summarised the main points of our contact with Anne beautifully, but I’d just like to add that, while I saw her far less than Irén, she remained, through Triangles, and through our shared conversations about her, an abiding benevolent presence in my life, a true spiritual elder in whom one could sense a remarkable sweetness and purity. To receive her blessing as our wedding celebrant was a wonderful gift for which I will always be grateful. I’m sure, as Irén says, that she will soon be busy (if she isn’t already!) radiating her abundant joyful energies wherever they are most needed. Even as I write, I can sense her twinkling at me 🙂
Peace & Light
Met vriendelijke groet,
Irén Dibble-Szücs

Thank you Chrissie for the immediate news of Anne’s passing from us all.
Though in spirit she has been for some time waiting in the wings so to speak, now her soul will fly high to better Realms than in the fraught physical world in which we all seem to travail.
The one word that seemed to shine from her was grace, grace of being and her gentle search of understanding so much of what few can even speculate or imagine from limited perspectives or narrower margins of experience.
Few could reach that bough of the tree she climbed as young girl in Simla -that far outpost of the British Empire where her father was the Number One in India; but there she found another sitting on the branch beside her whom she felt was Jesus or an angel; that experience in some ways encapsulated her unique life of spiritual wonder of the chosen few.
All of us who knew her and her life of learning and exalted spiritual demeanor will remember her cool headed discernment, her deep learning and study and her search for the Truth of who she was in this Earthly life.
To say she will be missed is selfish; she brought an extra level of Light into all who knew her wherever she went, like the glistening stars of dew in the early morning light, she was simply extra- never ordinary- all who knew her, loved her.
Thank you Anne for being you amongst us ALL.
The passing of Anne from our midst onwards to the next realm of her lives seems to be linked to the Climate Change that we are all going through, as five minutes ago the sky was blue and sunshine, now I look again and it is grey overcasting gloom. This made me think of the stages the soul moves through and just as one seems permanent, another opens up completely different to our eyes, yet far above any clouds the skies reflect the light that shines through space from our wonderful sun, God Bless It… for where would we be without it.
Anne was clearly from a young age a head strong girl: that is her strong intelligence, gifted doubtless from her successful father, was matched by her inquiring mind which encouraged her interest in understanding, not just knowledge, but people.
She had the rare ability to be seriously interested in others she chose to befriend and this spiritual quality of selfless inquiry matched her deeper sense of knowledge as something from which to learn and pass on to others; this in turn led her into the levels of wisdom. This mixture of mind and matriarchal thought was hidden behind the gentle spindle of personal frame as if she came from another planet. Almost like a butterfly or dragonfly, she seemed transparent, yet abundantly real with strong driving forces hidden away from sight, a university don ready to help or politely intercede at the relevant moment.
Maybe a lady of her time with a childhood before the war, she will have inculcated the drive of those women then who trailblazed their way through public campaigns; but her meeting David at Cambridge must have been a lift off moment in her life. Looking back, her married life may not have been the culmination of her ambitions, but surely her enthusiasm for life in all its forms inspired in her the coming storm of the Age of Aquarius, the vast explosion of knowledge from the 1960s onwards which led to her exploration into the realms of wisdom and the Women of Wisdom.
Her connection with Sir George Trevelyan who encouraged her spiritual odyssey and the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls led her to Edmund Bordeaux – Szechky; and then with Brian and Jackie Stevenson to form a group of like-minded people calling themselves The Essenes after the desert Community whose writings Szechky had discovered and published after WW1. She felt strongly akin to their Communions and later produced a booklet for the daily prayers illustrated by her daughter’s drawings.
The little group grew and grew much to her enjoyment during the annual Gatherings in different places and ever was she the semi silent guiding hand for the diverse groups of seekers, adherents and students of esoteric knowledge of The Divine in our midst.
She loved Dorset as her home moving many times and spent a while living with Robin and Prudence Husband when they moved to a lovely farmhouse in historic Somerset where, sharing lives, they hoped to create another more modern Essene Community. When Robin died and Pru sold the house, she moved back to Wimborne and enjoyed her retirement till frailty and illness over took her in her nineties.
She will be missed by many who were privileged to have known her and been part of her earthly life; so many of those will fondly remember her kindness and gentleness when she had graced their lives. The Goddess of Civilisation will doubtless testify to her contribution this time round to propel her soul onwards and upwards to the higher realms of existence.

It was at the first ever AGM, of the Essene Network, that I first met Anne. Tall, slim, upright with a commanding presence, she warmly greeted and welcomed me. This was in 1994.
I met a few other members Brian and Jackie Stevenson, co founders with Anne.
That year the annual Summer School was not happening. I mentioned I was leading an Essene retreat that August in the Dordogne, France. Anne immediately adopted it as that year’s Summer School. Suddenly my week was booked up.
Although I had joined the Network in 1990, I hadn’t attended any events due a younger son. However that year our son was turning 7 and both he and my husband came to the Dordogne. We were fortunate to spend a week with Anne and other members, many became firm friends, though most are no longer with us.
Anne was a delightful person to be with, great fun and young at heart . Once when we met up in London, she suggested the two of us went to the South Bank, she skipped up and down escalators with far more energy than myself over 20 years her junior.
Another time, I observed her as she danced and twirled around on a lawn like a child in her own little world.
One of her favourite sayings was “It’s a mystery! “ She also said that the time for Gurus were no longer needed and we needed to find our own path.
In May 2019 Anne had a large birthday party, jointly with her Grandson Mark. She was in full spirits.
The last time Brian and I met up with her was October’21 at a residential home. She was as bright as a button and we spent a pleasant hour or so chatting about things. She said she very rarely meditated. Perhaps she no longer needed to.
We were fortunate to be able to say our final sad farewells at her funeral in November. Anne was a remarkable wise women and very missed.
Linda Whitnall
Here is a link to a very personal tribute from Elinore Detiger in Costa Rica |

A comprehensive appreciation of Anne.
This business/task of BEING here on earth and stop being here, is very much in my mind these days.
Anne has given me, over many years, a guidance for both these conditions, resulting in confidence/lack of fear.
I have not the slightest doubt that Anne not only knew, but understood the secrets of Life, here and the hereafter.
She is now reaping the harvest of her earthly labour.
May she rest in peace.
Eric (Williams)

Anne MacEwen, born on the 2nd May 1925, was my aunt. She was the second child and only daughter of Margaret Dowell Sackville Hamilton, nee Hester, and Colonel Sackville William Sackville Hamilton, known to us as Pop. James, my father, was her older brother by two years and Peter her younger brother by two years. Sadly Peter died in a piloting accident in 1952.
Pop was Director of the Survey of India, and he was carrying out his duties in the Himalayas when Anne was born. Anne’s mother went everywhere with her husband, so Anne was born in the Himalayas. Dr Andreae, doctor for the expedition, delivered her. There was no cradle to put her in, so Anne was housed in the bottom drawer of a chest of drawers. Pop and Granny lived in Missouri quite close to Simla, where Anne went to school. It was an English school for English boys and girls. Most of the pupils were children of tea planters in Assam or army officials’ children. Miss Halloran was a brilliant teacher and they all learnt the basics. My mother was good friends with Anne at this time while James, Anne’s older brother, was in England. According to my mother, Anne was a very good little girl who worked hard. She and Anne used to ride to school on ponies as, at that time, only the Viceroy was allowed a car. There was much fun when they met up each morning and the ponies were put into the pound till it was time to ride home. They went to various gymkhanas and sports events. My brother has a photograph of Anne on her pony when she won the ‘young rider of the year’ prize and made the local paper. In recent years Anne, when she spoke to my mother on the telephone, often reflected on the ponies which they used to ride and would enjoy remembering the animals and the scenery and my mother’s companionship.
When Anne was about 11, John Andreae, Dr Andreae’s son, began to stay with Anne’s family in England, under the care of Pop and Granny. My mother’s family and Anne’s family continued to be close. In fact, later on Anne’s friend, my mother Grizel, married James (Anne’s older brother) and Anne was a bridesmaid at the wedding. John Andreae became my Godfather and Anne, as well as being my Aunt, became my Godmother.
In England, John Andreae lived with the Sackville Hamilton’s and came to be looked upon as a brother. He is still alive and in New Zealand and has recorded his own reflections on life with Anne, which I quote from:
In 1936 before my ninth birthday, I joined the Sackville Hamilton family on a train in India going to Bombay and on to England. We lived in Bayard House at Upwey in Dorset. I went to school with Peter and after the war, when I was an undergraduate at Imperial College, I spent my holidays at Bayard House. I particularly remember one summer holiday going for walks with Anne and sailing in Weymouth Bay and Portland Harbour. Two sailing trips with Anne are still remembered because in one we were becalmed and had to row for hours and in the other we were caught in a storm! We had long discussions on philosophy and religion. Later, our views would diverge as she went deeply into the fascinating history of the Essenes and mystical thinking, while I went into artificial intelligence and moved to New Zealand. In May 1993 Molly and I went to England for Anne’s mother’s memorial service. In February 1996, Anne came to New Zealand and we took her on a 2-week tour of the South Island.
Anne remained quite a traveller in her later years. In 2004, at nearly 80, she went to see my brother and sister in law in the Philippines.
Going back to 1936 and Anne’s young life, after school in India, Anne was not suited to schools in England and was taught by her own mother, doing very well. She always loved sailing and, as well as sailing with John, spent time in her teens sailing with my Father, her brother James. She once visited James at Wellington College, but must have acted outside her normal good behaviour in doing so, because she had to hide in the bushes when staff appeared! Other happy memories of her teens included driving around with Pop when he was working on Air Raid Prevention, for which he got an MBE.
Growing up, Anne worked for a short while as a secretary but, under her mother’s tuition, gained a place to Cambridge to study English. And this is where she met her husband David who was reading agriculture. Anne passed all her exams, but at that time (before 1948) Cambridge was not yet awarding degrees to women. This honour had to wait till later years!
Anne and David were married. David’s mother and father lived on a large Estate in Devon called Stuckeridge and Anne and David lived in one of the houses there. It was there that Helen and Diana were born in the 1950’s. After a few years, David bought a farm in Winterborne Zelstone in Dorset and it was here I used to visit them, with my parents, for my weekend exeats from boarding school. We had good fun going on walks, eating and playing mahjong. I never realised at the time what enormous hard work it must have been for Anne to have us all to stay so regularly but Anne took it all in great good grace and always provided for us very pleasantly and amiably. Helen and Diana were at boarding school, so I didn’t see them, but at some stage during these visiting years Penelope, a lovely and precocious daughter, was born. Anne was a very elegant and correct lady, but she was surprisingly vigorous, loved walking and was able to tuck into hard country work.
In a way which could not happen nowadays, when the local school needed a teacher, Anne started teaching there. Anne loved teaching and from there, she went on to become a very successful English literature teacher at Poole grammar school for girls, where she loved her students and they seemed to love her, and where she was reputed to be an excellent teacher and became Head of Department..
After a while Anne and David sold the farm at Winterbourne Zelstone and moved to Wimborne where we continued to visit them from my school until I went to senior school.
One occasion sticks out in my memory when my whole family went on holiday to the South of France with Anne, David, Helen and Diana. Being army families and often living so far apart, It was probably the only time we spent time altogether. Diana took after her mother and was a very good hardworking schoolgirl. She went on to study Russian. Helen was a bit more of a tomboy. She went on to nursing.
Ann told me that she was converted at a Billy Graham rally. It must have been in her late 20s, when he first visited England. It was the beginning of a Christian journey which was to consume a large part of her life. We had a number of deep conversations about this, when I visited her at Wimborne, as I too was converted in my early 20’s. We didn’t always see eye to eye. As a Bible focused Christian I disapproved of some of her less orthodox ideas and she for her part didn’t like my obsessional enthusiasm and that of charismatics, but peaceful familial relationships prevailed. Anne loved walking and we would go for a walk and get to a place where she could overlook the countryside and she would lift her hands up high and wide, breathe deeply in and let out a big sigh with a smile to show her satisfaction, so it was very difficult later on for her not being able to move. What emerged for me during these visits was the recognition of her deep and strong love for her children. Most of us know what it’s like to be a parent and the treasure that we find in the next generation. Anne’s grandson Mark brought her enormous joy strength and happiness in her older days
Gentleness appears to be a characteristic of the family. Anne’s mother stopped eating meat in her older years, and Anne ate very little meat. Both my father James and Anne seemed to become increasingly gentle. We read from Isaiah 11 at my father’s funeral and I just want to read a few verses (6-9) here as Anne has moved on to her new life.
The Peaceful Kingdom
The wolf shall live with the lamb;
the leopard shall lie down with the kid;
the calf and the lion will feed[b] together,
and a little child shall lead them.
The cow and the bear shall graze;
their young shall lie down together;
and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
The nursing child shall play over the hole of the asp,
and the weaned child shall put its hand on the adder’s den.
They will not hurt or destroy
on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea.
Margaret (Anne’s cousin)

From the Essene WhatsApp post of 31st October on learning of Anne’s passing, we had so many messages of Peace and Love from our members and here are some of the comments to share:
Anne Cliff : God Bless dear Anne, and may the peace that passes all understanding be with her.
Fiona Fey: I remember Anne washing my hands at the Silent Meal 11 years ago.
Keith Williams: Anne you were very loved. May your soul find your happiness as you move on.
Muriel Fitzpatrick: I remember the great impression Anne made as a speaker our Theosophical meeting in Basingstoke in 1991
Krysia: I remember the first time I met Anne. She was tall, gracious and like a wise owl.She recounted a past life she remembered as a librarian of sacred scripts, and she had an aura about her. What a beautiful passing on.
Maggie Stewart: So sorry to learn of Anne’s passing. She was a very special lady. I will hold Anne in my prayers.
Grace: I am so very sorry to know of Anne’s passing. She was indeed a very special soul. I am holding her in my thoughts and meditation.
Siulem: Peace be with her angels in her transition.
June Harrison: Sending love and healing to our dear sister Anne, May peace be with her.